Things are definitely getting colder in Chile. A nice steady rainfall is going on outside as my companions and
 I type to our families.

This week was a little rough. Hna. Moody has continued with her cold, and we've all had varying levels of health, 
but we're pressing forward and determined to make this last week the best. Max y Conti, two of our investigators and the
 children of a menos activa hermana, had their baptismal interview this past weekend and passed! 
Mati came to sacrament meeting with his mom, but they had to leave right after to do some things so we're going to try
 and set up his interview for Tuesday.

I also did divisions with Hna. Grimaldi in Nueva San Martin this past week. She is an amazing missionary. 
She is diligent, loving, and humble. Her back isn't in the best condition, and the health of all the Hermanas in the 
pension is fluctuating, but she still took me out to work. 

It was really weird being back in my first sector. Everyone was like, "Hermana Mercado, what are you doing here?" 
But it was a lot of fun. The day we did divisions just happened to be the day they were doing a talent show in the ward,
 so I got to see almost everyone! Each organization did a number from a different decade, like the primary was in 
charge of the 60's I believe. It was a really fun show. 
And I got to see both Alejandra and Alejandro there! My first converts! They are both ward missionaries now;
 Alejandra is also the ward historian, and she was there taking pictures of everything. They used to be so closed and 
reserved, but they were both just glowing! Alejandro was even one of the animators for the show! It was so good.

Changes are coming up this next week. I'll probably be getting moved to a different sector.
 And my babies are finishing up their training this week! It will be interesting to see what happens.

--Hermana Mercado